Missing boy found in Lake Eildon National Park after five day search, April 2015

Tuesday 7 April 2015

The search for a young boy in Lake Eildon National Park resulted in him being found alive after a five-day search.

BSAR members made a substantial contribution to the search effort. A BSAR searcher found the boy’s hat in dense bush during a line search on day four.  He was spotted from the Police helicopter on day 5 and was then carried out to safety.

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BSAR search for missing snowboarders on Mount Bogong 13-15 July 2014

Two snowboarders failed to return home as expected from a trip to Mt Bogong on Saturday evening 12 July.  Police initiated a full BSAR call out of both north east and Melbourne members early Sunday morning.  BSAR members from the Birkenbeiner Nordic Ski Club at Mt Beauty quickly responded, climbing to Michell Hut where the men’s tent was situated, and commenced searching the debris below a recent avalanche site that had been located off the east side of the upper Eskdale Spur.

On Sunday evening a large team of Police Search and Rescue and additional BSAR members from Melbourne climbed to Michell hut and prepared for a large scale search effort.  Searching the avalanche debris located one victim on Monday morning.  On Monday evening all BSAR searchers were flown off Mt Bogong by Police helicopter.

Police Search and Rescue and BSAR searchers preparing at Michell Hut
Police Search and Rescue and BSAR searchers preparing at Michell Hut
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Search and rescue on Mount Bogong for two missing snowshoers 5-6 July 2014

Police received a triple zero 000 call from two men lost on Mt Bogong on Saturday 5 July, who had become separated from the rest of their party in bad weather.
BSAR members from the Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club at Mt Beauty responded at short notice to the BSAR local call out and ascended Staircase Spur during the night.
In the early hours of Sunday morning they located the two men in their collapsed tent near the top of the Staircase Spur.  Both were thoroughly soaked, severely hypothermic and dehydrated.  The men were moved into tents and carefully warmed over the next few hours.

Once sufficiently re-warmed, each man was moved down to Bivouac Hut for further treatment, now assisted by members of Police Search and Rescue Squad.

At Bivouac Hut additional BSAR members from Melbourne and Mt Beauty, as well as local SES personnel, assisted in getting the men off Mt Bogong.  This was successfully achieved by the end of the day.  Both men made a full recovery.

BSAR call-out to South Viking missing hiker, March 2014

Saturday 22/03/2014. Bush Search and Rescue was called out for an early departure from Melbourne to assist in the search for a missing person near the South Viking in the Alpine National Park.

Sunday 23/03/2014. Missing woman located by the police helicopter on Sunday morning and winched to safety.

BSAR team at search conclusion

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BSAR call-out to Wellington Plains to assist school group, October 2012

Victoria experienced cold winter conditions, including snow in alpine regions.  A high school group of 11 students and 3 staff was stranded by bad weather and snow while on a bushwalk in the Wellington Plains region of Gippsland.

Thurs 11 Oct.  Bush Search and Rescue was called out for a late evening departure from Melbourne.

Fri 12 Oct.  BSAR members travelled to Licola to render assistance, but their assistance was not required. The group was successfully evacuated by the SES and Victoria Police using oversnow transport.

2012 Oct Licola BSAR group

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