Further searching at Native Dog Flat

7-10 May 2024 BSAR teams spent four days assisting Police in a resumed search for a man missing since September and thought to be in the vicinity of Native Dog Flat near the Cobberas (east of Omeo).

Special thanks to SES members from several centres for support with logistics.


BSAR 75th anniversary

Sunday, 5th May saw a gathering of past as well as current members and others who have been associated with this volunteer organisation, commemorate 75 years of service to the Victorian community.  The event was supported by Bushwalking Victoria and attended by representatives from Victoria Police.

There would have been 74 people attending, but a search call out the evening before had several members responding and searching instead.


Presentation to YHA Bushwalkers

6 February 2024 Members of the YHA Bushwalkers enjoyed a presentation about BSAR by search veteran Ross McKinnon at their February meeting. YHA Bushwalkers is one of many outdoor clubs that provide BSAR with experienced volunteers. Thanks to YHA Bushwalkers for the invitation to present.